- Phone - +375 17 2008175
- Url - https://investinbelarus.by/en/
- Sector - Investment
- Address - 14 Bersona Street
- City/Country - Minsk, Belarus
National Agency of Investment and Privatization is authorised to represent interests of the Republic of Belarus on the issues of attracting investment to the country and acts as a “one-stop shop” for a foreign investor. The Agency has the following functions:
– participation in development of the FDI attraction policy;
– interaction with transnational corporations to create joint import-substituting enterprises in Belarus;
– implementation of the measures to create the country’s investment image (analytical reviews about investment conditions, information about investment projects and governmental property being privatised, holding conferences in Belarus and abroad);
– Investors Roadmap maintanance;
– support of implementation of investment projects, including preparation of action plans to carry out such projects;
– preparation of an offer to privatise objects in the national and municipal ownership as well as other functions.
Our services are free of charge for foreign investors.